Friday, June 17, 2011

Fix it Fridays

So I Heart Faces has a weekly "event" called Fix-it-Friday. They offer us a problem photo, and everyone who wants to gets to "fix" it in their own way.  

I'm including two weeks of them...because I never got around to posting last week's photo. 

Then make sure and go to and see how other photographers interpreted the same photos! 

With the color edit I used an action I acquired a while ago that I've used a bit, it brings out the warm tones and lightens it all up a bit.  Then I played with the curves aded an embossed layer and played with the curves again and voila! 
WIth the black and white, I used a basic black and white adjustment layer and then fixed a couple of the curves to make sure there was enough contrast without making it too dark. 

 And, because I never added it last week... :)

And this one, I honestly don't remember. Though I'm pretty sure I used Pioneer Woman's Vintage action in there somewhere. 

Disclaimer: These pictures are NOT mine. I simply edited them. Copyrights belong to original photographers over at I Heart

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