Ahh, so it's been a while. Sorry for that. Life has gotten a bit crazy...But I will endeavor to post more often, I have a few adventures to share but we'll start with Yesterday's excursion to Snoqualmie. Last year, for our first Mothers day w/ Bug, we went on the Snoqualmie train...it's a 65 minute ride from Snoqualmie, to north bend, then up to see Snoqualmie falls and back. And on mothers day and fathers day the corresponding parent is free. So last year we went and it was a ton of fun...the sun was shining, everyone was in a good mood.
Yesterday, it was POURING down rain, and we weren't all in the greatest of moods, we (and in we I mean *I*) locked our keys in the car...BUT...when it was all said and done it was still fun. Kayleigh did well. We were a tad worried about containing our now running 15 month year old wild child...but she loved to just look out the grate that covered the floor to ceiling door in the cattle car... which, is way more comfy than the rest of the 'train seats" since they have nice deep wicker chairs in there...She also was able to stand on said chair and it was just the right height to look over...and chew on...the railing.
So without further ado...pictures!
I had to show this one first...this is us last year...same cattle car with a new baby (she was only 2 months old!) |
And now my big kids...Bug's learning to make silly faces..(more of those later) and Liam's getting handsomer each day. |
This is one of those "if only it were in focus" ones...but I couldn't help sharing it...it's one of her new faces... |
And yes, those lashes are 100% natural...(I actually had someone ask me that once) |
Looking over the railing... |
She likes wind....so this was perfect for her! |
Ha...she is chewing on the camera strap of the camera taking this picture...When you have a teething baby...everything becomes a teether. |
Now, it was after all Fathers day. And this is a capture of my husband and daughter just playing around. He loves being a dad. It's what defines him. He also happens to be very good at it. His kids love him to bits, and I'm often second fiddle (third for the bug often because her brother also comes in above me) BUT, since so many kids now days don't seem to have present fathers, I'm not about to complain that my kids love theirs. I didn't have a daddy, my kids do, and I am thankful for, and love every moment of it.
See they are so sweet together... |
And of course two seconds later... with little ones the sweet, tender moments can go by quick as a blink between the goofy, fun loving, antics.. |
That was our fathers day...how did you celebrate yours?
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