Okay, So I've been doing monthly shoots with Kayleigh. I wasn't able to document Liam's 1st year quite so well with little disposable point and shoots, then when we got a digital camera A. it was CRAP, and B. our computer died and I lost ALL my photos that I had on it from about 6 months to a year almost.
That said, I've been doing a monthly Collage of Kayleigh's monthly shoots. And here's where I'm going do display them!
So without further ado, here's the bug!
Ahh, and here's our final installment. Miss Bug with her birthday cake. She really liked her cake...and the sugar high was quite epic..as was the crash not to long after. She still isn't walking really, though she CAN, she prefers to crawl as she's faster that way..(However, as I write this a month later, she is nearly running...sooo it didn't take her too long to decide walking was indeed faster)
11 months...Miss Kayleigh isn't walking though she's mastered the wobbly stand..and of course her curtsey.
WOW does time fly. Miss Bug has grown a lot..at 10 months she's in 18 month clothes. Much to her mamma's glee her hair is coming in all curly...and she's now got three teeth that are visible...while the 4th front tooth is just peeking through. She can stand and bounce without support and does so frequently to dance to any music she hears...and while she has been known to take a few steps (most often when it involves being able to then throw herself onto her brother) she still prefers to crawl...and she does so as remarkable speed...she reminds me of a wind up toy! I have a feeling next month's collage will include shots of her standing/walking. What you can't see in pictures also is her verbal advancement...while no more "words" really she's babbling constantly and she loves to laugh and squeal...the best is when she does so simultaneously. She sounds like the mutant child of a dolphin and horse...but it's awfully cute.

Her other big milestone is TEETH. Finally, at 8 months she's cut her bottom toofies. It took a few months of cutting since it seems like she's been teething since birth.

Ahh, and here's our final installment. Miss Bug with her birthday cake. She really liked her cake...and the sugar high was quite epic..as was the crash not to long after. She still isn't walking really, though she CAN, she prefers to crawl as she's faster that way..(However, as I write this a month later, she is nearly running...sooo it didn't take her too long to decide walking was indeed faster)
11 months...Miss Kayleigh isn't walking though she's mastered the wobbly stand..and of course her curtsey.

This month has been a big un....over the last month Kayleigh has popped through her two bottom teeth and has begun to pop through a top one as well...She's up and cruising around everything...forgetting to hold on sometimes and standing for nano seconds at a time. She's been eating solids for a while...but she's begun eating just about anything now, meat, cheerios...and her current favorite, mandarin oranges.
She has also picked her first word, and I hear "bruh bruh" all day long as Kayleigh calls her brother.

So, this month is number 8 in the life of Kayleigh Ann. A few big milestones this month....She's mobile, no longer scootching backwards....but crawling all over forward...she's also pulling herself up onto anything she can and because of these two things we are forever trying to stay a step ahead of her and what she can get into....

WOW! It's already been 6 months. She's eating like a champ and just getting the hang of picking up cherrios and is nearly crawling... She's mastered the rock and scoot backwards so far. Before too long I'll have a toddler!
And the bug is 5 months...she's sitting up!!! I honestly can't believe how fast she's growing...
Just now she's 3 months old (today!) and I can't believe how much she's changed already!
Bug's just starting to really smile on cue...Gotta love it.
She loves goofy faces
So sleepy, or so it seems. Everyone remarks on how very alert she is for being just born.
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